Gathered around the radio

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    To those of you who have grown up with TV this may be a difficult thing to understand. We baby boomers grew up with those who lived through the great depression. They saved string in pieces too small to use, and made us clean our plates using stories of their hardships to re-enforce their arguments.
    The true value of radio is lost except on those of us who lived with it. Imagination was honed by its use, and a generation of people who could imagine a certain way was made. Then a new way to imagine was introduced by TV; and though less imagination of one kind was needed, the new form came about in its own unique way. Think of these two groups as speaking different languages, still both human beings but seeing a different way.
    I still think of Gang Busters, Gunsmoke, Have Gun Will Travel, Amos and Andy, Dragnet, The Lone Ranger, Jack Benny; I could go on and on.

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